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The Python Coding Book for Adult Beginners

It's not fair that it's only the kids that have fun coding in Python with codetoday.

Ever since we started teaching coding, we always taught both kids and adults and our two divisions co-exist perfectly: the experiences we gain from teaching kids help us with our courses for adults and the other way around too.

Most of our courses for adults have been in the form of corporate training programs and other bespoke courses for companies and universities with fields ranging from finance to science.

In 2021, we're launching a brand new set of resources and courses for adults that will include a broad range of options that can be used flexibly, so that everyone can pick the format that works best for them.

Many beginners stumble at the first hurdle when learning how to code. The first hurdle can be high but we've focused on lowering this hurdle, making sure that all concepts are understood well.

To start off, we've just launched two of the items in our stack or resources:

  1. The Python Coding Book. You can think of this as an online textbook or as a set of structured tutorials with in-depth, clear explanations of why things are the way they are. The focus of this text is to make sure that the programming mindset is understood well.

  2. The Codetoday Forum. Learning to code is nearly impossible without support from a real person! The Forum is your way to ask questions and get answers from me and my team of instructors.

You can access the online book and start reading now. We're also offering access to the Forum to everyone who signs-up now during this introductory phase. You can sign up here.

Enjoyed this and want to learn more Python for free? Check out our sister site The Python Coding Book, for in-depth guides on all things Python, or follow us on Twitter @codetoday_ and @s_gruppetta_ct



Python Coding for Young People


Codetoday Unlimited is for the curious teenager or preteen keen to learn proper Python coding. Stephen's courses start from the basics and carry on to intermediate and advanced levels.

Python Coding for Adults

The Python Coding Place is Stephen's platform full of courses and other resources for beginners and intermediate learners. The focus is on clarity and Stephen's unique communication style.

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